More and more people at present tend to discover that most of the goods they use every day come from another country. About five decades ago for instance for most of customers purchasing something that would be developed in another country used to be believed as something luxury.

Nonetheless, as it has already been presented previously, development of technology and rising pace of progress is related to the fact that, firstly, the intensity of trade has also improved significantly. Consequently, nowadays getting good that has been produced in another country is not an exception, but routine. It is indicated by the fact that, first of all, thanks to progress of the transport infrastructure, building of new motorways as well as increased airplane transports, it is often considerably more attractive for a country to purchase cheaper goods from another one even counting the costs of the transport. A worth mentioning example in this case is connected for instance with goods produced in eastern side of Europe that are transferred to the western side such as Polish furniture that is thought to be the most reliable and attractive.
As it has been analyzed previously, trade has become more and more intensified owing to diverse reasons. One of those is growth of the topic of logistics that allow us to cut down the costs of the transport. As a result, great number of new companies that aim is to maximize the service standard minimizing the expenses at the same time. This implies that transferring various commodities even more than one thousand kilometers, thanks to the efforts of the previously presented experts has never been so cheaply available.
As a result, trade surely belongs to fields that have amazing future in front of itself. It is indicated by the fact that the globalization is more and more accepted by the society worldwide, which proves that the above shown area has great place for further improvement.